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Business started in London for us, when Devon Eel Ltd was first established in 2017 some of our wonderful relationships were already blossoming with the previous owners, Willem & Corrine at The Dutch Eel Company Lincolnshire. Continuing their legacy was integral and although we are based in Devon, both Neil & Ben spent a lot of time learning exactly how they operated, from relationships with suppliers to the unique method they used to smoke the eels. We very much understand that when a restaurant relies on a product for a particular flavour, altering that would simply be foolish!

With this said we’d like to use this post to express how grateful we are to those who supported us through the storm of 2020 and the early months of this year, if we can help it, we try not to mention the C***D word! This time has encouraged wholesalers and restaurants to diversify into ‘finish at home’ meals like Henderson at Home. Restaurants like Brawn, Bethnal Green, adapted their restaurant space into a deli and these innovative businesses kept us going throughout the pandemic. We understand this time has been so challenging for this industry and it’s been sad to hear of so many places who have been forced to close their doors permanently, but on the contrary with orders flying in we are absolutely loving being back into the groove and finding our rhythm again. 

One of our most loyal is Jeremy Lee at Quo Vadis, with his smoked eel sandwich back in the hands of his guests, we have the pleasure of working with both him and his lovely team again. Clare Smyth at Core, Tom Fraser at Scott’s, we are so pleased to have you return and delighted to deliver to your kitchens again! Although London has been the main hotspot for our smoked eel, in recent years we have branched out to the North and can now proudly say we are a national supplier. Simon Rogan Group in Cumbria, the stunning plates at Meltons, Sat Bains in Nottingham and The Black Swan in Oldstead who have made a delicate ‘cigar’ made from feuille de brick pastry filled with smoked eel and Exmoor Caviar… two of the best from the west!

Really what we’re trying to say is we are so happy to be back, and we thank our clients, old and new and we look forward to a more positive year for us all.

Posted on June 15th 2021

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